books I am reading or loved

  • among the cannibals
  • extreme birds
  • pacific patterns

Saturday, October 28, 2006

very cool pictures

Mom and Erick saw this owl across the street and took these amazing photos!

Random photos

Here are some photos I like, check out Ericks cool stuff on his web page he has some new tables that are amazing.

The beginning of my oil painting journey

I am just starting to enjoy working with paint, I still miss pottery and I don't think painting will ever come close to how I love working with clay. I miss the tactile nature of pottery. I am still looking into figuring out how to do my style of pottery on the island.

Pacific Harbour

About an hour west of Suva is Pacific Harbour, which was trying to be an exclusive resort town. Never seemed to make it, though I have heard it has a great golf course. Josie and the girls and I went for the day to play at the beach. If it is raining in Suva you can be assured it is almost always sunny everywhere else. So to escape a lot of people take off to Pacific Harbour. When we arrived at the beach we realized something was very wrong. We soon found out that the Solomon Islands had an underground volcanic eruption and all the lava flow which is now pumice was carried by the tides and finding its way to the coast line of Fiji. I wish I took pictures it is an amazing site seeing a beach covered in feet of pumice. I was a bit concerned about swimming in it, but the water prevailed and I am still picking out very fine pumice out of my dreads!

New toy

Since I have decided and applied to the textiles and apparel program at USP I figure I should start sewing again. I was also thinking I could do the craft market that happens every month here is Suva. So this is the beginnings of my little girl dresses! The most fantastic models are Stephie and Freya.


Stan and I were invited to Romila's Dewali, which is the Hindu festival of lights where you bring in the light and prosperity and all good things. We had a fabulous meal and got to know our neighbours better.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Even the birds are tired of the rain!!!

October 14, 2006

Hi, well let me tell you about this week in Fiji, RAIN RAIN RAIN RAIN and can I say it again! RAIN!!! And gray. We have booked our tickets to Tonga, we are going back for Stan’s brother’s ordination and the family reunion leaving Dec 5 and returning to Fiji Dec 16th. I will have to work at getting some color back since it is all gone because can I say it again RAIN!

The painting classes are going well, I am finding it difficult to deal with the backgrounds of the drawings can’t get my mind to deal with them, not an issue with pottery. Met a most fabulous potter from Vanuatu during the Melanesian festival, I thought that he threw his pots on a wheel and then added a decorative rim, only to find out that he coils his pots, truly amazing.

Have had a bit of a cold the last few days just a cough, and a wee bit of a headache, seems to be finishing. Currently reading The sex lives of Cannibals, very funny and I can totally relate to his experience, only his was worse. Looking forward to reading his next book Getting Stoned with the Savages. Also had my fill of dancing and gymnastic videos care of Josie who kept me in supply of movies while I was resting.

Well that’s about it for this week, more pictures to come of the finale days of the festival!


Here are the final pictures of the festival

Friday, October 06, 2006

Cooking with Nita

Josie told me one day she was having a woman to come teach her how to cook curry, I asked if I could tag along and all of a sudden we had a party!

cooking with Nita
Sep 27, 2006 - 22 Photos

the melanesian festival

Our house and the dog

Here are some more pictures of the outside of our house and the guard dog Rexy. Rexy now follows me down the street and barks and lunges at anyone that gets near me, I guess I am part of his pack now and he is protecting me.

our house and the dog, rexy
Sep 27, 2006 - 9 Photos

Sunday, October 01, 2006

October 2nd

Well we finally got our stuff on Thursday! How wonderful to go thru all the things you packed almost a year ago. Finding treasure that you forgot and realizing those knives and forks are still in Canada waiting to be shipped. Stan and I spent the weekend unpacking and organizing. Last night we went to the Holiday Inn to watch the final rugby game between the Storm which Stan's cousin plays for and the other team, which I honestly don't remember their name. The other team won but it was a really close and good game. Yes it is hard to believe I like rugby!

My first painting class was good, a lot of time spent on prep work, which I expected. Putting together the stretcher bars, cutting canvas discussing materials. I hope this week we put brush to canvas.

Went to the IWA (International woman's association) bazaar. One or two of the women are really talented, but the space was small and cramped which is not the best environment for displaying your wares. The gods and goddess did smile on them and we had a very humid but not raining day! I have been drying my laundry for 3 days now and they basically tell you after 3 days that's as dry as it is going to get. It is just wrong to put clothes away that are cool to the touch because you know something is going to start growing on them.

Josie and I also went to the spice market, so cool and the smells so amazing. I have been invited to Josie's house Thursday to have a cooking lesson from Josie's next door neighbor. I am looking forward to learning ethic local cooking.

tomorrow starts the week long Melanesian Festival; food, arts and crafts, indigenous medicine, storytelling and ton's more from Papua New Guinea, Solomans, Fiji, and New Caledonia.

I will try to get pictures of the festival,
