books I am reading or loved

  • among the cannibals
  • extreme birds
  • pacific patterns

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Starting to feel better and being creative helps!!!

I actually started this one before I hurt my back, and finished it yesterday.

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I brought 4 little jars of paint with me, I am so glad I did. I really have no art supplies here, these have been a saving grace.

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I love this poem by zen master Dogan

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Monday, April 17, 2006


Well hello to all, I am sorry for being so slow with an update. I unfortunately have been flat on my back for 10 days. I hurt myself a week ago Saturday doing I don’t know what, and have been in agony since. Unfortunately the island is lacking a chiropractor and it is hard, if not impossible to work on oneself. I will add more pictures to the blog in the next week, and will start to return some emails as soon as I can sit, which at this point is the most painful position for me to be in. I am getting better slowly and I did let out a whoop of excitement when something went crack in my lower back last night! Getting a lot of reading done, and a lot of time spent breathing and getting present, which in of itself is a great thing to do. Love Jay

Monday, April 03, 2006

Sight seeing

Stan and I spent the day showing Barbara the island. Barbara is our friend Brian's very good friend from California, that was here to visit Brian for 12 days. This was her last weekend of a very full vacation.
We started off going to church, so she could experience the most amazing singing. Tonga is famous for its singing, that happens all over the island in church's on sunday. Everyone who comes here should make sure they experience Tonga's very moving and inspiring choirs.
Next we went home and had Brian and Barabra over for a tradition Tongan feast. On sundays the family will get up very early to get the meal ready to go into the underground oven, that bakes for several hours. The meal is served after church.
Then we were off for the day. We went to the coral arch, then to the bat cave. Sorry no pictures they didn't work out. You go into this cave that has a pool in it, that the kids swim in. Actually dive into, head first, one right after the other, scary. They light candles all around the edge of the cave to be able to see. It is so cool. Brian is the only one that went swimming.
Then to the cliffs of Tonga, you don't think it is to bad, till you are right at the edge My heart started to pound a bit, so I layed down to take my picures. Barbara and her husband are avid rock climbers and she was itching to figure out a way to climb the cliffs. Not me!!!! and lastly to the blow holes. They are beautful, and we got there just as the sun was setting. To bad is was low tide, they are so amazing in high tide when the water is crashing against the shore.
We had an amazing day, I fell into bed exhausted and so greatful. I am glad to have met Barbara and looking forward to get some of her pictures! Jay

The begining of a most amazing day Posted by Picasa

Stan at the being of our sight seeing adventure Posted by Picasa

Brian, my friend that is the peace corp worker that lives in Matahau. Brian's very good, long time friend Barbara. I feel so blessed to have met Brian, he has helped me a lot here. It was great to spend time with Barbara, Stan and I were thrilled we could be tour guides for the day Posted by Picasa

Barbara and Brian, Stan in the back Posted by Picasa

The enterance to the Queens palace, that she moved because the ocean was to loud, thats the story. The arch is made out of coral and is very old.Posted by Picasa

The sitting rock from the side. Posted by Picasa

Brian in front of the King's sitting rock, supposedly he was so big his head would rest at the top of this rock Posted by Picasa

One of many cemetaries we went by, this one has an amazing view of the ocean. Posted by Picasa

Another beautiful flower of Tonga, they put this one in fancy drinks!!! Posted by Picasa

Brian really hates heights so he stayed way the deep vegetation Posted by Picasa

Jay at the cliffs of Tonga. Posted by Picasa

Off course I am not much better and have to lay down to get the shots over the edge. Posted by Picasa

It is amazing Stan got this close to the edge, he is terrified of falling. Posted by Picasa

The amazing views of caves and blowholes Posted by Picasa

The next stop was the land bridge and the cliffs of Tonga Posted by Picasa

My beautiful husband, Sitaniselao. Watching the sunset. Posted by Picasa

The blow holes, not as amazing as they can be, we were there at low tide. Posted by Picasa

A beautiful sunset at the blow holes. The end of an amazing day with Brian, his friend Barbara. Posted by Picasa