books I am reading or loved

  • among the cannibals
  • extreme birds
  • pacific patterns

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

mold and fungus

How you know it is too humid:

1. It takes 3 days for your clothes to dry, and if they are not dry in 3 days best to re-wash them (starting to get mouldy) and hope for the best.
2. The bread you buy fresh that day has mould growing on it in two days
3. That you have to use “swimmers ears” ear drops after your shower or you will get fungal ear.
4. That you have a slight sore throat and the doctor informs you that you have thrush from eating to much pineapple and mango's and because of the humidity and you now have to suck on fungicide throat lozenges.
5. That you sweat during your 7th shower of the day
6. That your sweat sweats

7. That gold bond powder has become your best friend
8. That you don’t want your own skin touching your own skin let alone someone else’s skin touching you
9. That you didn’t think it was humanly possible to have that much sweat going down your back as you wash the dishes
10. That you pray for rain so it does not feel so humid.
11. That you have created a new dance called the bunch and roll, which is what your clothes do when you are trying to put them on, especially entertaining after going to the bathroom

I guess you can tell I feel a bit overwhelmed by the moisture right now. I went to the Doctor yesterday to have my ears and throat checked and it is confirmed I do have a very mild case of thrush. It seems that the Canadian bodies start to fall apart after about 6 months of living in Suva due to the climate and dietary changes. So no more pineapple and mango's for me, for a bit and I now religiously put drops in my ears after my shower(s). Thank god I have a mild case of thrush and I can treat it with fungilin lozenges, mass quantities of non-sugar vitamin C and probiotic friendly bacteria! As for the skin I put Gold bond in any place that skin touches skin it seems to be helping for the first 10-15 minutes!

The glories of living in a humid tropical country, the things you never have to experience on a 2-week vacation in Paradise.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
