books I am reading or loved

  • among the cannibals
  • extreme birds
  • pacific patterns

Sunday, December 17, 2006

The Pearl

Stan's cousin has a beautiful pearl ring that inspired me for this ring.

Bowling Party

Our annual Christmas party, this year we went bowling then we went to Lily's for dinner and games.

family photos

Just some random photos of mom and Erick doing what moms and brothers do plus a Christmas tree.

Boats boats boats

It seems both my dad and I love boats, he likes to fix and build them and I love to make them in pottery.

Surprise dinner!

Only Debra knew I was back so I was the surprise for the Christmas movie and dinner. We had a great night, it was like I was never gone! I have my first time back into the studio this upcoming Monday night, I am so excited. I have no idea what I am going to make, I just know it will have to be small, ideas that I can begin and finish in one night that would be ideal.

Me arriving to snow

Well it seems I have to keep up with the blog while I am here. These are pictures of the snow and the skytrain going to the airport.

Saturday, December 02, 2006

The plantation

The farming that Stan does. Stan loves planting and weeding and growing root veggies and bananas and mango's and all sorts of things. This is our little plantation, when I get back I will be planting carrots and tomatoes and green peppers....

me departing Fiji

I woke up Monday morning thinking it was going to be a regular day, little did I know that I would be on a plane heading home by 4:30 that afternoon. Stan felt it was best for me to leave asap and be safe. I have been home a couple of days now and the coup still is a possibility. Only in Fiji, Commodore Voreqe Bainimarama said he was going to take over the government on Friday but decided to watch the rugby game between the military and the police which was more important so he has now stated that he will overthrow the government Monday. The saga continues...

The latest version of the painting

How I left the painting

Our first attempt at a Polynesian Dinner

Josie and I decided to throw a dinner party! The day started early in the morning going to the market (the pictures I loaded earlier titled The Market). We then started cutting and preping for the dinner at 12 which was a good thing because we were still getting ready at 5:30 and the guests were arriving at 6:00. The food was great the company was fabulous and at the end we said we would not do it again, but by the next day we decided we would do it again and soon. We also made the decision to have Stan with us to help us cut all the veggies, he is a great sous chef.