books I am reading or loved

  • among the cannibals
  • extreme birds
  • pacific patterns

Friday, March 09, 2007

March 10th 2007

March 10, 2007

I am sorry for not working on the blog, several things have happened that have stopped me. The worst is that my camera has gone on strike!!! It will turn on but it refuses to take any pictures! I think it is the humidity. I tried to find a place to get it repaired but it seems they have to ship it to Japan and it will cost me hundreds of dollars. So I will take a hairdryer to it and see if that will help. A piece of advise to anyone buying a camera, if you plan on taking the camera to a really humid place for an extended amount of time buy a underwater camera even if it never enters water.

The other reasons I have not worked on the blog is that I have started school!!!!! I am two weeks into the program and loving it. I am taking textiles and apparel, I have 3 classes; the first is the apparel class which is learning to make garments and sewing. The class final project will be a fashion show, where the students will have to model there originally designed evening wear. My second class is an art fundamentals class it is a total blast, tons of homework that I love, and again a huge finally project. This project is to explore a major theme like death, birth, and or ritual and apply it to a medium that you enjoy working in with a pacific flair. I have not decided what I am going to do yet, but I do have a few ideas’ floating in my head. My last class is the textiles course, basically the chemistry of fibre’s. This class is a distance class so I have to be very motivate to stay on track and stick to the time line. I have 7 labs to do for this class, like burning fabric and pour acid on it and things like that. And again a final project! On Masi, which is fibre cloth that is made and used in many Fijian ceremonies, it is the same as ngatu in Tonga. I am really enjoying this project since I feel somewhat comfortable with the process of making Masi after watching Stan’s mom make it. I am glad I took so many pictures of her working through the various stages of making Masi; they will come in handy with the paper.

Very exciting news Stan’s sister and youngest Tua ofa has joined us. Ana is taking a double major in English and geography and will graduate with a Bachelor of Arts. Well that has you up to date with my life. I do have pictures to down load and I promise I will get to it in the next week. Josie has kindly lent me her camera so that will be a lifesaver. We are off to a village about 1 hour from Suva to spend the day with a local potter; she is going to take us through the whole process of pottery in Fiji. From digging the clay to firing the pieces, I am totally excited. More news and pictures soon!!!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's so great to hear that you're enjoying your courses. I'm sure that you'll have the most creative projects!
How wonderful to have Stan's family with you. I'm sure that's a bonus for you both!
Looking forward to your photos.