books I am reading or loved

  • among the cannibals
  • extreme birds
  • pacific patterns

Tuesday, September 26, 2006


where we live
Jul 31, 2006 - 1 Photo


70 CENTS!!!

flowers of fiji
Jul 31, 2006 - 5 Photos

Our home

I have been told our stuff will arrive tomorrow, we will see!

Our house
Jul 31, 2006 - 21 Photos

Jungle jim jeff

Jeff and Tua ofa kindred spirits
Jul 31, 2006 - 5 Photos

Ode to the cockroach!

The start of the Tongan Holiday

The start of the holiday in Tonga
Jul 18, 2006 - 9 Photos

off to school

The kids school
Jul 18, 2006 - 19 Photos


Jul 18, 2006 - 5 Photos

The Tonga tour

Our imfamous island tour
Jul 18, 2006 - 23 Photos

The bat cave

The Bat Cave
Jul 18, 2006 - 10 Photos

Happy Birthday!

Well here in Fiji it is my dads 60th birthday!!!! So he gets at least two days to celebrate, today here and tomorrow in Canada! You look great for 60 dad keep up the good work!

As you can see I got the picture thing working, I went to Stan's office on sunday and worked on his computer and viola pictures!!!. God it is so nice to work with a computer that makes everything so easy and as you can see picasa has a new feature I love, called web albums. Makes doing the blog so easy, thank you thank you to who every created web albums with picasa. More pictures to be downloaded soon. Stan and I are going to another book launch at usp tonight and then hanging out in his office. What a great date!

Had a very busy previous week. Dinner at Josie's, guests were usp staff and their other halfs, plus kids. We had a blast, Josie and I found out we both had Ben Kingsley on our list, to weird. Then dinner out Friday night to celebrate Stan's cousin Ane passing her Bar exam!!!

Today I am going to my first Auction ever to see if I can get a book shelf for all my books that are still sitting on the dock. Yes that is right no stuff yet. I really want to make chocolate chip cookies, especially since I figured out how to light the oven. Oh well.

Tomorrow my first official oil painting class!!!!! I can't wait, I got all my supplies on Monday. I was given a name of a man that brings in supplies from
Australia so I contacted him to place an order and low and behold he is from Halifax! We Canadians rock! Josie suggested having a Canucks party with the expats here on the island. Serving pancakes with Maple syrup, hotdogs and playing street hockey, I think it is a great idea.

Off to enjoy my day!

Love Jay

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Blowholes at Houma

Jul 18, 2006 - 32 Photos


Jul 18, 2006 - 9 Photos

coconut milk and chilis

Check out Ericks growth (ganglion), yuk!!!

FaFa Island

Snorkeling and eating and walking the island. Our first trip to an Island that is about 1 hour from the capital.

Fa Fa Island
Jul 18, 2006 - 27 Photos

The Capital Nukualofa

Michelle was smart she brought a book to read while waiting for the bus, Erick took pictures of the Catholic church across the street. Jeff and I sat and waited and waited and waited!

Jul 18, 2006 - 10 Photos

Still life and creatures

Ericks still life and creatures
Jul 18, 2006 - 10 Photos

Swimming with the whales!!!

Click on photo to see album.

Swimming with the whales! in Vavau
Jul 18, 2006 - 23 Photos


Tons of fun, lots of eating, snokeling, diving, drag show, beautiful sunsets, and sailing.

Jul 18, 2006 - 30 Photos

Cultural Centre and Museum

Tongan Cultural center and museum
Jul 18, 2006 - 10 Photos

Tree Planting

Stan decided he wanted to plant a special coconut tree to remember Erick and gang's visit. This a coconut tree that stays small and produces coconuts you don't have to climb to get.

Tree Planting
Jul 18, 2006 - 3 Photos

Private Kava party

I have to say after a long night of pouring kava, I stopped early because I started to gag! Michelle was the official winner and out druck the two native Tongans! In fact Stan's brother Hiko left saying he was going to get more candies (you put a candy in your mouth while drinking Kava to help with the taste!) and he never came back!

Kava ceremony
Jul 18, 2006 - 3 Photos

Pangimotu Island

This the last snorkeling trip we take. It is a ten minute boat ride from the capital, Nukualofa. Finally Stan was able to join us for some snorkeling, and coconut swinging. Click on photo to see the album.

Pangaimotu Island
Jul 18, 2006 - 7 Photos

Farewell dinner

The night before Erick, Michelle and Jeff go home the family throws a farewell dinner, with a roasted pig. The event tuckers Tua ofa right out! As a farewell gift Lotiola sews beautiful outfits for everyone.

Erick and friends holiday in Tonga
Jul 18, 2006 - 9 Photos

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

thoughts from fiji

Hi everyone,

I have just been in Fiji for over 2 weeks and it rains a lot!!!! I now understand the mold growing on your shoes experience. It is also hot and very humid here and its not even summer yet. Stan and I go for a run/walk at 6:30 in the morning because by 7:30 its to hot. I am grateful too have acclimatized in Tonga first.

We are still waiting for our stuff that we shipped from Tonga; it is boiling in a container out at the docks. We may be able to get it delivered today some time.

We have met a few of our neighbors and it seems most of them work at USP. One couple we met that lives 3 houses away are from Edmonton, such a small world.

We went to a book launching party last night; it was well attended, and Stan and I really enjoyed the presentation. The book: Kisses in the Nederends by Professor Epeli Hau’ofa was published may years ago and over the last year it has been translated into Japanese. In August it was released in Japan and last night was the launch of the Japanese version of the book here in Fiji. I will have to go to the USP bookstore and get an English version of the book. Stan even wants to read it and that’s saying a lot since he is not a reader!

I am still working at getting pictures up on the blog of my brother’s trip. I may just have to surrender it till I get my computer back. I am glad to announce she has been fixed and has a brand new hard drive and is ready to rock and roll, as soon as I get her back!

For you readers out there I just finished a great book called Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman, loved it. I have to say being an avid reader, now that we are here in Fiji and we have TV, but only one channel so I am reading more than ever. I don’t think I brought enough books! Thank god USP has a good selection of books a tad bit pricey though.

I have also set up some painting lessons that will start next week. The teachers name is Deborah, which is a bit weird since my pottery mentors name is Debra as well. Oh how I miss pottery, I don’t like to think about it too much. I did meet a friend of Stan’s last night at the party and he is an artist in residence at USP and he is going to find someone for me that does pottery!!!!

Just when I thought it was going to be a beautiful day it is now pouring, which means I probably wont get my stuff. The guys at the wharf don’t like working in the rain, I don’t blame them, it’s to wet!

Well that’s all for now, since I won’t be doing pictures for a while I will write more about what is happening here in hot and humid Fiji!!!!!
