books I am reading or loved

  • among the cannibals
  • extreme birds
  • pacific patterns

Friday, December 07, 2007


Well the cyclone totally missed Suva!!!! But unfortunately it did hit other smaller islands that make up Fiji. One Island was completely flattened and no word if the 2 villages that inhabited the Island survived, they are in our prayers along with the other areas that were hit.

I have been insanely busy, not only with the art show but with also finding a new place to live. The landlord kicked us out because we refused to clean his driveway and we made a complaint about it because we have all fallen down while trying to negotiate our way down the steep slope. Ana broke her leg when she fell down the slimy driveway!

So I look at this event as a good thing since I am tired of slowly picking my way down the death trap. I looked at several place but ultimately took the empty flat below Josie's. I was a bit hesitant to take it because it is unfurnished but in the end it the was the cleanest and most updated! Pictures to be posted in the next few days. Spent the day cleaning it today, washing all the walls, cupboards, floors, bathrooms.

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