books I am reading or loved

  • among the cannibals
  • extreme birds
  • pacific patterns

Saturday, December 08, 2007

The new flat

I got the KEYS to the new flat!!!! and cleaned it yesterday from top to bottom. In Fiji we get this weird black greasy dust that really settles when a place is left empty. Our feet will show you what I mean, considering the flat was empty for several months it was in ok condition. Some mold growing on some of the walls, very dirty floors and a wasps nest in the bathroom. What we did not get is Mina birds which is great because that is a nightmare!!! During the coup they took residency in Josie's place while they were away. I do have some screens that will need to be replaced since they did try to peck there way into the house. Here are some pictures of our new and very empty flat!!!!! Which will remain bare, we don't want to buy furniture here, I will take some pictures for you one day so you can see why.

new flat

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