books I am reading or loved

  • among the cannibals
  • extreme birds
  • pacific patterns

Thursday, May 11, 2006

House designer

Napa Posted by Picasa

House Painter

Ana's husband Posted by Picasa

Our morning hello

Kitty Posted by Picasa

Old boy

I know I have been accepted into the family. Dana now walks with me throughout the village. Sometimes he gets a little distracted by a pig or a smell but he always makes sure I get home.

Dana Posted by Picasa

fall is here

The weather is cooling down, still warm during the day, and can still sweat just by walking but at least the sweating where you feel it dripping down your back as you are sitting perfectly still is over. The nights are quite cool if not cold; I wish I had brought more sweaters. I don't know if it is actually cold or I have just gotten use to the heat and I am officially a wimp now.

Things are starting to move along for Stan finally with the position at the University of the South Pacific. They are drawing up his contract, and as soon as he signs it life will change again. We are hoping to be moving to Suva, Fiji by August.

My brother and some friends are coming to visit for a month in mid-July. I am looking forward to having visitors. I have explained I can show them the entire Island in one day, but they still want to come for a month. And with going to the outer islands we will be able to do a lot of exciting things. On top of his list is diving and swimming with the Humpback whales!

I am going to Bali for 12 days in June to meet with my Parents. I am looking forward to spending some time on another small island and seeing all the amazing temples. Also spending time with my parents will be great, and doing some shopping with my mom. I am in some serious withdrawal from shopping, totally looking forward to burning up the plastic a bit.

cutie pie

Tua ofa Posted by Picasa

Tua ofa likes to use me and the rest of the family as a jungle gym Posted by Picasa

The three amigos Posted by Picasa


I think I will buy my own tapa to decorate, that way if I screw up it won't matter. The tapas are very expensive and are considered Tongan gold. A large tapas completely decorated will easily be $1000.00+ dollars.

Soana helping, she is adding more dye to darken the tapa Posted by Picasa

Large portion of the tapa Posted by Picasa

This is a border Posted by Picasa

Lotiola was getting overwhelmed by the shear size of the design. Stan went that night and helped map it all out for her. Posted by Picasa

Here are several tapas in various stages of completion Posted by Picasa

This tapa is much larger than the picture can show Posted by Picasa

The village has a event in June where the houses are judged on various catagories. One is on your tapas. Lotiola has been working day and night getting them ready. Here she is outlining the basic design before she starts her drawing.  Posted by Picasa

The kids love to learn

Most nights the girls will come over and say to me "book?" they are letting me know its learning time!

Soana is done, she is fast asleep Posted by Picasa

Thank god I brought 2 books or I would have a major problem Posted by Picasa

Sustina is practicing her drawing Posted by Picasa

I love it as much as they do! Posted by Picasa

The kids have been off school for the last 2 weeks. There version of spring break. They have kept me busy helping them with their english. I brought some english workbooks from Costco and they have loved them. The great thing is their teachers, especially Soana's has noticing a hugh improvement in her reading and writing skills. Plus they are not so shy to speak english. Posted by Picasa

yum or yuk

This is Soana's favorite thing to say to me when eating. Yum or yuk?

Stan hates pasta but he ate some anyway Posted by Picasa

Sosefo loved everything and finished his entire plate including the veggies Posted by Picasa

Soana does not look happy, we soon find out that it was the vegetables that made her pout not the pasta. The girl does not like anything green or orange! Posted by Picasa

tua ofa playing with the noodles Posted by Picasa

Sustina enjoying the pasta Posted by Picasa

garden update

Here is the garden, Soana and I were slaving over pulling weeds, mostly really tough grass that had roots that went to mars!. Eventually it was decided to pull all the plants remove the dirt, replace it and replant the plants! Give it a new border and it is now easy to weed!  Posted by Picasa